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Wholesale CBD CRD - Crystal resistant

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Unsere Produkte werden in akkreditierten Laboren getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass sie frei von verbotenen Substanzen und Schwermetallen sind.

Canapuff verfügt über ein Team erfahrener Fachleute, die auf die Herstellung von Cannabinoiden spezialisiert sind und über das Fachwissen und die Fähigkeiten verfügen, die für die Herstellung hochwertiger Produkte erforderlich sind. Canapuff führt strenge Qualitätsprüfungen und Tests durch, um die erstklassige Qualität seiner HHC-Produkte zu gewährleisten.

What is CRD CBD?

CRD CBD, or Crystal Resistant Distillate CBD, is a specially processed distillate that resists the normal phenomenon of crystallization. This key feature keeps CRD CBD liquid even at high concentrations, making it easy to use in a wide range of products, from vape pens to cosmetics.

Benefits of CRD CBD

- Stability:
CRD CBD remains liquid and easy to process, eliminating clogging and crystallization issues.

- Higher Concentration:
It makes it possible to create products with higher concentrations of CBD without the risk of crystallization.

- Universal Use:
Ideal for a wide range of applications, including e-cigarettes, topicals and food products.

- Purity and Quality:
High level of purity and preservation of terpenes and other valuable components of cannabis.

How does CRD CBD differ from other CBD distillates?

Unlike standard CBD distillates, which tend to crystallize when cooled or at higher concentrations, CRD CBD does not have this property. This is achieved through a specific processing and formulation that ensures that CRD CBD remains in liquid form, greatly expanding its applications.

Practical use of CRD CBD

CRD CBD is suitable for the production of vape products that require a constant liquid form for efficient and reliable dosing. This property is also beneficial for the production of CBD liquid drops, cosmetics and many other products where a stable, liquid form is required.


CRD CBD represents a breakthrough in CBD processing technology that offers significant benefits to both consumers and producers. Its ability to resist crystallization while maintaining high concentrations of CBD opens up new opportunities for innovation and product development in wellness and health.

HHC, THCp, H4CBD usw.

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